V-Day Wedding Bells: The Hindu Mahasabha To Comb Social Media for 'I Love Yous'

V-Day Wedding Bells: The Hindu Mahasabha To Comb Social Media for 'I Love Yous'

“India is a country where all 365 days are days for love, why then must couples observe only February 14 as Valentine’s Day?” Akhila Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha’s national president, Chandra Prakash Kaushik, theorised to TOI.
If you were looking to have some fun this coming Valentine’s day, it’s slowly beginning to seem like the only kind of heat you’re likely to be experiencing is from the Hindu Mahasabha. The war on Valentine’s day in the country is hardly a new development but this year, it seems like the ‘L-word’ is taboo, with even virtual declarations facing action. The saffron outfit’s leaders are going to monitor social networking sights and zero in on those posting declarations of love, after which these deviant individuals are going to be made to tie the knot in an Arya Samaj ceremony.
”Display of love in the entire Valentine’s week is equivalent to not following Indian traditions. Anyone found displaying love on Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp will be caught hold of. A total of eight teams have already been formed in Delhi to keep a check on social media,”

Kaushik says.
Dubbed a ‘foreign festival,’ Hindutva outfits active in UP had previously warned that couples found canoodling on Valentine’s day - exchanging roses, hugging, any displays of human affection - are not just going to be frowned upon; the perpetrators of this crime - with malls, parks and restaurants coming under the radar - should be ready to get hitched if ‘caught’. If the partners belong to  different faiths, they’re going to be made to sit through a ‘shuddhikaran’ or purification ritual in addition to the Hindu Mahasabha’s innovative marriage test.

Image is used for representational purposes only. Image Source: India TV News

“We are not against love, but if a couple is in love then they must get married. In case if the couples claim that they need time to think about marriage, we will tell them that if they are not certain, they should belittle love by openly going around together. We will also inform their parents,”

Kaushik added.
Once the Delhi elections are over, the right-wing outfit aims to convey to the masses the meaning of true love, with a social media campaign kicking off from Feb 8. Staunchly against the ‘western festival,’ the Hindu Mahasabha means to inbox these couples, ask for their contact numbers and addresses and land up on their doorsteps to get them married.
”If they refuse to share their numbers, we will contact their parents — especially those who are active online — and ask them to get them married if they really love each other,” the Mahasabha president said.

Activists of Bajrang Dal burning greeting cards while shouting slogans during protest against Valentine's Day, 2012. Image Source: ibtimes.co.uk

There are others in the country who have their own plans in place, though, thankfully.
Inspector general Alok Sharma told TOI: “It might be Valentine’s Day or any other day, no one has the right to do moral policing. But if the members of the outfit involve themselves in any such activity, they should be ready to face legal action.”
Satirical publication Faking News has an interesting take on these developments in ‘Gay couples excited after Hindu Mahasabha announces weddings on Valentine’s Day,’ an ironic post indicating the deplorable status accredited to homosexuals in the country.
