When Creativity Meets Purpose: The Clever Innovations Of Maker’s Asylum’s Young Talent

When Creativity Meets Purpose: The Clever Innovations Of Maker’s Asylum’s Young Talent
Maker's Asylum

The power of innovative design when it meets technology is immense. When this is done under the umbrella of ‘Tech for Good’, it is incomparable.

Maker’s Asylum, a community maker space encourages this sort of creative thinking, and some of their young talents have created new devices that each target a different problem, and are focused on a chosen Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) set by the United Nations. With solutions as clever as they get, these are just a few of them.

I. Eyedentify

Rhiaan Jhaveri’s project is one for visually challenged individuals. He devised a wearable device that can be attached to accessories such as headbands or caps. It is essentially a camera that detects the faces of known people and through audio, lets the person know of their presence in front of them. If it is an unknown person, a corresponding message will be sent.

SDG in focus: Reduced inequalities

Find out more about Eyedenity here.

II. E.C.H.O (Efficient Communication for Hospitalised Outpatient)

Many a times, several patients in hospitals suffer from the inability to communicate with the healthcare workers. Kanav Arora’s grandmother was one of them, and observing her journey in the hospital helped him devise an empathetic solution. The device features easy-to-use buttons and large font, and aims to maximise output with minimal input.

SDG in focus: Good health and wellbeing

Read more about E.C.H.O here.


We have all experienced the loss of charge in our mobile devices even when they are not in active use. Aditya Dalal’s project first helps us understand that this is ‘vampire electricity’ that is being lost. To tackle this, he created ChargION, which primarily reduces energy wastage through mobile phone overcharging and mobile phone chargers. His conclusions note a significant amount of power saved, pointing his project in a successful direction.

SDG in focus: Responsible consumption and production

Read all about ChargION here.

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