Would You Get In Front Of The Camera If Pornhub Paid You 16 Lakhs?

2378761Volodymyr Kyrylyuk

Pornhub has been responsible for spreading pleasure, providing entertainment and uplifting moods (amongst many other things), in the past but the adult entertainment website is adopting a rather responsible role by offering to provide scholarship money to students whose work they think would “contribute to a better future for the world.” The deserving lot will receive a sum of 25,000 USD which is roughly ₹16,00,000.

The X-rated website stated they “firmly believe in the power of today’s students to help shape and improve the world of tomorrow” and a 1000-1500-word essay convincing Pornhub of your ability as a student to improve the world, could see you win that valuable scholarship. Oh, since this is Pornhub we’re talking about, an additional video talking about your plan will go a long way. Just like the reach of their video content, there are no geographical boundaries, entries from all over the world will be accepted. The only conditions are:

· Applicants must be adults (typical)

· They must have a GPA of at least 3.2

· They must be enrolled in a full-time course at an accredited college/university

· They must attach their CV and official high school transcripts to their essays

It is safe to assume that Pornhub has a large student fan base, which invariably means the entries will pour in, in abundance, so how does one jump off the page? Pornhub stated: originality always scores bonus points. Pornhub’s willing participation in the education sector may come as a surprise to many but the generator of sexually explicit content has played an integral role in the teaching game, for years. Don’t believe me? Just pay them a visit, and I promise, you will not be disappointed.
