Artist Of The Week| Kriti Tula

Artist Of The Week| Kriti Tula

When in 2013 Kriti set up her sustainable fashion label Doodlage she never anticipated the success that lay ahead. While studying full time at the London College of Fashion she spent every spare minute on building her label and in 2015 her hard work paid off. She was recognised by the Lakme Fashion Week Gen Next Platform and soon after won the award for ‘Green Wardrobe Initiative’ by HUL and Grazia Young Fashion Award. Earlier this year Doodlage was recognised by Elle Graduates as an exciting young designer to watch. This run of success hasn’t dulled her ambition and she believes she still has a lot more to contribute to her field. She wants to develop the eco-fahion base at all levels in India by educating everyone from new graduates to NGO’s and artisans. Her greatest hope is that ‘When people think of Doodlage or of me, they should think of a brand that worked on ethical practices in fashion’

I. What would you describe as your perfect day, right from the time you wake up until you go to bed?

On a perfect day I’d have more hours than usual, enough to do everything I want to- wake up, go for a swim, have a hearty breakfast (essential), get to work and get things done, probably meet a few close friends. Once home, spend some time with my parents and feel good about having had a productive day before going to sleep.

II. What is your first memory of exploring your medium of choice?

I first experimented with upcycling during the Will’s Debut contest that I took part in during my final year of college. My collection was called Doodlage, which is where the name for the brand comes from. I never stopped after that.

III. What according to you is your best creation?

My favourite among all seasons is a denim blazer which we made for the SS16 collection. The embroidery on it says ‘ Hit me with your best shot’. I love it because it sums up my attitude towards things and life in general, and every time I wear it I feel motivated!

IV. What is that one thing, that really annoys you?

Well, that can be a whole new questionnaire (LOL)..procrastinating, unorganised work space, traffic jams, anger among people in Delhi, un-safety for women, dishonesty, hypocrisy, unreasonably honking...and the list goes on. You can really pick any.

V. What are the three things you are really into, besides your art?

I really enjoy travelling and try to do is as often and for as long as possible. The second thing is also travelling related, in a way - I love going to different places and exploring the crafts and culture of its clusters. Lastly, I enjoy physical activities- running, cycling, gymming- I would swim all day if I could.

VI. Something that you have always wanted to do, and really look forward to doing it some day in your career?

I would love for Doodlage to collaborate with NGOs and self help groups around the country. We already collaborate with some organisations whenever we can outsource some smaller aspects of the collection, but I would love to do it on a bigger scale.

For more on Kriti and Doodlage follow them on Facebook and Instagram
