Board culture is on its way to becoming just this side of burgeoning in India, upwardly speaking of course. More so when one takes Bangalore-based Holy Stoked Collective’s achievements and attempts to spread the culture into account. We’re a few ramps, a few cities and a few impressionable minds away from making skateboards a nationwide phenomenon as far as the youth is concerned. We recently teamed up with Alis, Advaita Collective and Vans to organize India’s first international Skateboarding festival & tour - Third Eye Tour.
Now you might think with our infrastructure, pothole-laden roads and the lack of government responsibility towards any of this might make it difficult to get into the wheeled, street-sport in India, however it would appear that this backdrop only makes it more challenging (and more fun) for boarders to tackle. I mean, it’s all very well when you have ready-made skate parks and smooth, slate roads but skateboarding takes on a whole new meaning when everything is an obstacle course.
Here are a few incredible skate movies shot right here in India, both Homegrown and otherwise.
Is there a more ideal locale for skateboarding than to the teeming Kumbh Mela festival in North India which hosts what was estimated to be the world’s largest religious gathering ever recorded?
The answer is yes, probably any back alley or random village street would be more productive and doable than at this joyous, ancient gathering. At the Kumbh Mela, Gurus and millions of other assorted Hindu devotees make their sanctified bathing pilgrimage to wash away their accrued sins at the confluence of the Ganges, and Yamuna Rivers, that takes place every dozen years in the city of Allahabad.
In 2013 Levis & Holy stokes collective, teamed to build India’s first free skate park in Bangalore. The initaitive helped local street kids to skate for free and learn more about the sport through the help of the Holy Stoked collective and 2er crew!