Bamboo Symphony: A Beautiful & Sustainable Structure In Bengaluru

Bamboo Symphony
Bamboo Symphony

As the minds behind Manasaram Architects, an architectural firm based out of Bengaluru, were designing their new office space, they decided to embody all their philosophies into the building so that it stands as a physical manifestation of their ethos. Built on a very tight budget, the creation manages to keep in mind the office’s requirements of space and services by using sustainable materials and technology. And keeping that sustainability at the core of their idea, the building is designed using the five elements of nature, as they believe that the Panchmahabhutas cater to the needs of all three of man’s faculties: physical, psychological and spiritual.

Waste wood, bamboo, stone boulders and debris from house constructions, along with mud, came together to create this office, built adjacent to the principal architect’s new residence. Bamboo stands as the primary material, giving the entire building an earthy and natural feel. Closed loop systems for building materials, processes and technologies make Bamboo Symphony, as the project is named, an eco-friendly zero energy development.

Northeast and southwest winds are welcomed into the structure through features such as the roof based on traditional fishing platforms, and the building’s naturally-ventilated orientation. Further, the office is constructed such that it’s naturally lit during regular working hours all year round, and even has a solar energy system to be environmentally friendly. Waste bamboo sticks, splits, butter sheets and polycarbonate pieces are used to create all of the building’s light fixtures, while the garden light bollards are crafted from waste pet bottles and bamboo along with LEDs. Adding to its sustainability model, the construction even incorporates a special water conservation installation with rain water harvesting, water treatment facilities and a bore well.

Learn more about the gorgeous Bamboo Symphony here, and scroll on for photographs.

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