"In Chinese philosophy, the yin yang represents the complementary nature of all things. Light and dark are not opposing forces, rather interconnected and necessary to maintain harmony."
”It was quite a time consuming campaign. Before starting off, I invested a lot of time in doing research regarding the factors, causes and reasons behind different kinds of environmental pollutions. It was followed by a number of sittings with the illustrators in my team to finalize the style and scale of the detail in the artworks. The rough sketches were done for more than a month by me and 2 illustrators. The original illustrations were hand drawn on wall sized sheets. I tried for as much detail and reality as possible. The illustrations were then painted with watercolors, photographed and digitized. The last leg of the campaign involved the laborious task of retouching. It was pretty challenging to keep the synergy of earth colors (green and blue) intact while bringing forth the black and white of Yin Yang in the artwork, at the same time. It took the team more than six months to draw & paint and three months to retouch the whole project keeping in mind every single object in it. Now, here is the final result in front of you and it seems that the effort was worth all the time.”