Exploring London Through The Unbiased Eyes Of An Indian Tribal Artist

Exploring London Through The Unbiased Eyes Of An Indian Tribal Artist
The Miracle of Flight Image Source: www.bookillustrations.com
Jungle Book,
When Two Times Meet Image Source: Quora
Because I was never sure of the meat, I have drawn all sorts of creatures that I might possible have eaten. The numbers on their bellies are their numbers on the menu.” Image Source: Quora
Image Source: Quora
Loyal Friend Number 30 "Although I liked the underground very much, I still preferred to get to work every day by bus, because one stopped right outside my door. [..] I have turned the Number 30 bus into a dog, because like a dog, it was a faithful and loyal friend to me. London buses look very friendly too, and fit in with the good spirit of the faithful dog." Image Source: Quora
The London Tube Image Source: Quora
"Everyone was a foreigner - all kinds of skin colours and all kinds of hair. I had seen foreigners before - some of them had visited my village to look at our paintings, but now I realized that something strange had happened. My colour was different, my language was taken away from me ... I myself had become a foreigner!" Image Source: www.http://bibliodyssey.blogspot.in/