#HGArtProject 025: An Interview With Jitch (Jit Chowdhury)

#HGArtProject 025: An Interview With Jitch (Jit Chowdhury)
Every week, we turn our Facebook page into a revolving art space to feature the exclusive works of young Indian artists whose work we admire, hoping that our readers might appreciate their creative expressions as much as we do. This edition displays the work of multi-faceted artist Jitch who has been inspired by art since before he could crawl. We've already featured his incredible sketchbook a few weeks ago on Homegrown but it clearly wasn't enough for us, as we reached out to him just a week later to take over our cover art for a week. 
I. Give us a brief insight into your background as an artist? 
II. Tell us about some of your biggest inspirations over the years, throughout your artistic career?
III. Could you tell us more about the thought process behind the artwork you made us?
IV. Who are some of the most inspirational artists in India and abroad, according to you? 
V. If you could work with the Indian government for an art project that you get to suggest and lead, what would that be? 
VI. What are your future plans? Any projects you would like to kick off, or possibly work for a big art house?
VII. Could you share 3 of your best designs and elaborate on each one of them?
a) SuperZero
b) Wall Graffiti
c) The Chutney Co.
VIII. Quick question round:
One track you’re currently listening to?
Chinese man records - I've Got That Tune
An artwork you wished you did
 All the illustrations for this graphic novel called Moonward.
An art project you wish you were a part of?
ST+ART project
Your favourite munchies?
Chai with pakoras
Paint or wacom bamboo?
Paint to me is my biological child and Wacom bamboo is like a foster child.