How A Reading Club In Bandra Has Evolved Into An Inclusive Communal Hub Of Creativity

People of reading club Bandra Reads reading at Jogger's Park in Bandra East
Unlike traditional book clubs, Bandra Reads doesn't assign readings. Participants bring their own chosen materials; fostering a diverse range of literary exploration. Bandra Reads

"So please, oh please, we beg, we pray, Go throw your TV set away, And in its place you can install, a lovely bookshelf on the wall."

excerpt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl (1964)

Roald Dahl wrote this novel ages ago when television was increasingly becoming a strong adversary to the enriching habit of reading. Time warp to the present era, there are a hundred more distractions than television — OTTs, social media, video gaming — the list goes on. While such forms of entertainment have their merits, tragically enough, they have strongly carved out their space by replacing the habit of reading. However, there are still millions of bibliophiles all over the world, who love to sit in a snug corner of their room, turn the pages, and be transported into a world of imagination. Reading has always been more of a personal habit more often than not enjoyed in undisturbed solitude. However, public libraries and reading rooms have also existed for ages, transforming reading into a thriving community experience.

Lately, initiatives promoting a collective silent reading experience have been growing exponentially in Indian urban spaces. In Mumbai, the reading community has been growing steadily with multiple 'reading' chapters in areas such as Juhu, Powai, Sobo, Thane, and SGNP. Inspired by them a duo, Amie Fazulbhoy and Abhimanyu Lodha, set up the reading society, Bandra Reads, in June 2023. Since then the group has been gathering every Sunday at Jogger's Park in Bandra East from 8 am to 10 am.

Unlike traditional book clubs, Bandra Reads doesn't assign readings. Participants bring their own chosen materials; fostering a diverse range of literary exploration. Discussions sometimes follow, with attendees sharing thoughts, feedback, and criticism on what they have been reading. The group's mission extends beyond fostering a love of reading. Bandra Reads also aims to reclaim outdoor public spaces like Jogger's Park, showcasing their potential as vibrant community hubs.

people of reading society Bandra Reads reading at Jogger's Park in Bandra East
Members of Bandra Reads deeeply engrossed in readingBandra Reads
People of reading club Bandra Reads reading at Jogger's Park in Bandra East
How Karuna's Kitaab Club Is Stimulating Books, Conversations, and Literary Revelry

"Bandra Reads is a blessing. A community where you can belong without any social barriers. A place to make like-minded friends, especially for a new resident of Mumbai”. Since there isn't an assigned reading, Amie also mentioned that people are free to bring any reading material - be it science, mystery, fiction or poetry."

Amie Fazulbhoy, in an interview with Knocksense

Open to all, Bandra Reads has attracted a growing number of participants with a present tally of over 250 participants. According to an article by Knocksense, some participants have been traveling from as far as Andheri and Ghatkopar to join in on Sundays. Bandra Reads began as a reading society but now it has evolved to include a diverse range of hobbies like painting, crocheting, journaling, and more. With its focus on inclusivity and community building, Bandra Reads offers a unique space for Mumbaikars to connect and delve into the world of literature, creativity, introspection, meaningful interactions, and intellectual enrichment.

people of reading society Bandra Reads reading at Jogger's Park in Bandra East
A large group of readers on a fine Sunday morning at Jogger's Park in Bandra EastBandra Reads

FInd out more about Bandra Reads here.
