India's First Underwater Art Competition Has A Fantastic Goal

India's First Underwater Art Competition Has A Fantastic Goal
Meet Up

While it’s easy to see the degradation of the environment on land, it isn't so easy to tell what’s going on under the surface of water bodies. The ocean has long borne the brunt of our pollution, however, many folks who pride themselves as environmentalists don't even know the extent of the damage we’ve incurred on the ocean surrounding our 7,500 km coastline.  This lack of awareness was troubling the good people down at ReefWatch Marine Conservation, a non-profit Organization and Member of the National Board for Wildlife (Government of India), who decided to create the Blue India Underwater Art Competition - an environmental initiative designed to promote ocean awareness through creativity.

ReefWatch Marine Conservation is working in collaboration with Chameleon Art Projects, “an initiative to support and encourage artistic practices through curated exhibitions, residencies, artist management and public art projects, founded in 2005.”

Coral Photographer Image source: Inhabitat

Check out more details over here.

Image Courtesy of  Meet Up

Word By: Julian Manning
