A form that has been a part of Indian tradition for decades, poster art was perhaps at its peak in the 1970s when vibrant and eye-catching posters of glamorous Bollywood personalities would be pasted across billboards. The poster makers were well known for their incredible abilities, but as the glitz and glamour of the pin-up style actresses and dashing actors grabbed the attention of the masses, what was missed out on were the fabulous posters of gods and goddesses created in a similiar colourful and lavish style by the same artists.
We came across one such collection of hand-painted posters depicting the life of Jesus Christ. Poster art has slowly died out over the years as we became increasingly digitalised, but we can only imagine the amount of time and patience it must have taken to create such works. In an age of Photoshop and airbrushing, the skill of poster artists is truly commendable.