Kerala’s Armless Painter Brings Colours To Life

Kerala’s Armless Painter Brings Colours To Life
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India has its fair share of talented painters, but how many can paint with their feet? Forty two year-old Augustine Swapna, from Ernakulam, Kerala, had an affinity to the arts ever since she was a small girl, and being born without arms has never deterred her. Each of her paintings display a myriad of colours and minute detail and have captured the eyes of both domestic and international art collectors.

Nature, Keralan tropes and religious figures like Lord Ganesha and Buddha dominate her canvas as Augustine meticulously adds depth to paintings that draw the viewer in to the undeniable skill that emanates from her work. Reportedly, Augustine’s father dreamt his daughter would be born without legs three months before her birth and that she would bring great honour to her family. Dream turned into reality upon her birth, hence her name, Swapna, which means ‘dream’.

Augustine has been a part of AMFA, Switzerland (the Association of Mouth and Foot Artists) ever since they heard of her talent back in 1999. Check out and purchase her work on their website.

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Image source: Life Death Prizes