This Public Crematorium in Coimbatore Finds Space For Beauty

Public Crematorium In Coimbatore
Public Crematorium In CoimbatoreDesign Boom

Last rites in India are a solemn, sacred ritual that demands a certain kind of space and dignity; something that we are sadly falling short of in an age of rapid urbanisation and a marked lack of space. Chennai-based studio Mancini Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. has created a structure - a public crematorium - in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, to attend to the needs of the bereaved and mourning in a feat of innovative design.

Located in a crowded part of the city, the design offers an environment that is a respite from the hustle and bustle, creating a sense of quiet dignity. It is clearly reminiscent of the traditional setting of river banks where cremations used to be performed. Two large pavilions in form-finished concrete are the site of the last rites, before the body is taken to the furnace area. The mourning family members are allowed to collect the ashes from the main building, after which they can go on to the garden, dotted with smaller pavilions, where the remaining rituals can be carried out and their loved ones be laid to rest.

Scroll on to view this feat in sensitive design...

The entry to the first cremation pavilion.
Raised planter separating cremation pavilion from garden (left) Second pavilion garden (right).
The second pavilion and garden (right). The view of the pavilion's interior.