Visit These Mumbai Art Exhibitions For A Dose Of Creative Inspiration

Visit These Mumbai Art Exhibitions For A Dose Of Creative Inspiration
Image Courtesy: Ocula

Mumbai is often called ‘the city of dreams’ or ‘Mayanagri’. Apart from being a global financial hub, it’s also adorned with a mix of iconic old-world charm architecture and strikingly modern high rises. A majority of the city’s leading ad agencies, media companies, television studios, music production companies and cultural movements are concentrated here. Mumbai is also the home to some legendary art galleries that are vital in setting trends in the country’s modern art movement.

In keeping with this artistic spirit we have curated a list of Art Exhibitions happening in Mumbai this month that we think you’d enjoy.

Image Courtesy: Ocula

I. Making Visible

Working with an unlimited range of materials, Ayesha Sultana investigates space, vision, and form through her drawings, paintings, and sculptural constructions. Making Visible contemplates the void in between thought and action, inhalation and exhalation, twilight and darkness, and how such momentary interludes may offer possibilities of holding space as an emotive force.

You can see her artwork at Experimenter in Colaba till October 29.

Image Courtesy: Ocula

II. A Smear and the Crown

A Smear and the Crown takes its title from the act of anointing or smearing an object with vermilion as an invitation for the item to embody Bengali sacrosanct values. Sayan Chanda’s practice explores this transformative moment, considering the mundane as a channel to esoteric realms. Making becomes a form of escapism for the artist.

His work is up at Jhaveri Contemporary till 8th October.

Image Courtesy: Ocula

III. Everyday

For his exhibition, Everyday, Abir Karmakar presents over 30 oil paintings which address the Covid-19 pandemic and its psychological effects. These are fastidious pictures of surfaces and scenes, all derived from photographic sources from the last two and a half years. They contend with the unpredictability of the virus, capturing our fears and futile attempts to control the contagion.

You can check it out at Galerie Mirchandani + Steinruecke till 20th October.

Image Courtesy: Design Pataki

IV. Woman Is As Woman Does

Proposing an inter-generational mapping of 27 women artists who have engaged with postcolonial India’s raging social, political and cultural problems, ‘Woman Is As Woman Does’ presents five generations of practitioners. Curated by Nancy Adajania, it bears witness to the multiple forms of consciousness and agency by which women artists have addressed questions of location, materiality and context.

You can find it at CSMVS Museum Fort till 16th October.

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