World Press Freedom Index 2015: India Ranks 136 out of 180 Countries, With A 'Sharp Decline in Press Freedom' Worldwide

World Press Freedom Index 2015: India Ranks 136 out of 180 Countries, With A 'Sharp Decline in Press Freedom' Worldwide

“One journalist and no net citizens were killed.”

a sharp decline in freedom of information

"There has been an overall deterioration linked to very different factors, with information wars, and action by non-state groups acting like news despots,"

'as a result of the many conflicts of interests and the great difficulty experienced by journalists in covering the activities of Andorran banks'

'few violations in 2014, while the benefits of legislation on access to information began to be seen'.

persecution of New York Times reporter Jim Risen, as well as the fact that the U.S. ‘continues its war on information in others, such as WikiLeaks.’”

You can view the WPFI in its entirety here.
