The Coalition: 5 Tips For Creative Entrepreneurs From Its Founders

The Coalition: 5 Tips For Creative Entrepreneurs From Its Founders
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4 min read
There's something to be said for the people who trade up doodling in the margins for big, bold strokes across the belly of the beast. And there's something even more to be said for the ones who encourage others to do the same. If we're to take co-founders, Vijay Nair of
fame and Laura Quinn of
, word(s) for it, The Coalition is all about 'putting the creative industry on steroids.'
As Nair asserted,"It's an ecosystem thing. We need loads of businesses in this space and it may sound counterintuitive but i've learned from experience that it's better to have more competition than it is to have none." Considering the man's spent years quite literally turning a unicorn industry into something tangible (not to mention something that hundreds of others now have the opportunity to be a part of) we're inclined to believe he and Laura might just be the best people to give all the current future creative entrepreneurs in this country fair advice.
India's in a fairly unique space as far as these industries are concerned so if you're still stumbling through the trenches like the rest of us, perhaps their five tips each will prove to be all the ammunition you need to break down the barricades.