As soft and round beings ourselves, we instinctively gravitate toward environments that mirror our gentle contours. FADD Studio

How A Homegrown Studio Turned Two Apartments Into A Connected, Curve-Inspired Home

Disha Bijolia

Humans have an inherent affinity for curves in architecture and design, a preference deeply rooted in our evolutionary history. While nature abounds with organic, curvilinear shapes like waves caressing the shore, the graceful arching of plants towards the sun, and the gentle undulations of rolling hills, the realm of straight lines and sharp angles is predominantly a product of human invention and construction.

Our instinctual attraction to curves can be traced back to the primal need for safety and comfort. Sharp edges in nature often signify danger, such as the teeth of predators or perilous terrain. As soft and round beings ourselves, we instinctively gravitate toward environments that mirror our gentle contours. This innate preference for curved and rounded forms has been substantiated by scientific studies, reinforcing the resurgence of curves in modern architecture and design as they provide a sense of security and warmth that straight lines cannot replicate.

Following a similar spatial language, FADD Studio, the creative minds behind a stunning duplex in Bangalore, have seamlessly blended two separate apartments into a unique multigenerational family haven. With a thoughtful touch, FADD Studio crafted two connection points to unite the apartments: a welcoming staircase near the entrance on the lower level and a striking double-height section in the adjoining living area. A deliberate departure from the ordinary, these connecting elements boast fluid, curvaceous forms.

Inside, a captivating "zebra border" on the floor delineates distinct zones, inspiring the creation of an eye-catching statement staircase crafted from deep red marble, boasting sculptural elegance with curves etched into each riser. The living room's narrow double-height expanse is framed by a gracefully arched ceiling cutout, swathed in white micro-cement with a subtle sheen, and the double-height back wall, adorned with irregular fluting, echoes the gentle ripples and undulations found in the neighboring entrance hall's ceiling.

Upstairs, the living room's layout revolves around a central circle of linear-veined marble, set into the floor and bordered by black and white accents. This colour palette extends throughout the apartment with accents of green, pink, and shades of red added through the furniture.

“From shells to topographical maps of different landscapes and from sand dunes to waves, we researched form, shape and pattern. The research fanned the spark of our inspiration,” shares Dhaval Shellugar from the studio with AD. Their ingenious design has created a homegrown architectural marvel with curves and an unusual colour palette that gives the space life making it into a delightful experience for the senses.

Follow FADD Studio here.

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