Indrajit Kahmbe's photoseries captures the ordinary moments beauty of beauty in his home of Sindhudurg
Indrajit Kahmbe's photoseries captures the ordinary moments beauty of beauty in his home of Sindhudurg Indrajit Kahmbe

Indrajit Khambe's Vivid Photoseries Is A Tribute To The Place That Raised Him

Homegrown Staff

What's most striking about Indrajit Khambe's photography is how strongly rooted it is to the environments, locales and the people that it depicts. There's an unpretentious earnestness to his lens that allows everything he captures to just 'be' and every picture he takes exudes a reverence for authenticity and interconnectedness.

His insatiable thirst to find more is what drives him forward and it's clear that the natural world remains his biggest source of inspiration.

"Whatever I shoot is 'purposeless'," he explains". "My main purpose is to go out and feel the things and photography come later as a documetation of what I observe and feel." This emotion-driven approach imbues his art with a nostalgic sense of wonder and transports you back to a time, a place, and even a feeling from your own past.

His recent photoseries captures the ordinary moments beauty of beauty in his home of Sindhudurga and is a glimpse into the sights, sounds, people and natural evironments that have shaped him as a creative and as a human being.

I've learned that nature keeps changing and as a artist there is huge potential in the world around us. So whenever you feel bored of the same space, just hang in there and nature will surprise you."
Indrajit Kahmbe

You can follow Indrajit here.

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