‘Veiling’ - A Unique Photo Series Exploring Masculinity With Contemporary Fashion

Jahnavi Shah

‘Veiling’ is a collaboration between photographer Anai Bharucha and designer Marius Janusauskas, a European academic. This is a particularly significant project as it focuses on gender fluidity and offers a much more malleable insight into the gender spectrum. The visuals are striking and induce feelings of absolution from an archaic perception of gender in both its social and physical form.

Source: Anai Bharucha
Source: Anai Bharucha

The idea of the project loosely draws upon the concept of veiling practices within the non-Western context, propagated by Radhika Chopra. She suggests that expressions of veiled masculinity decompose hegemonic maleness as an unquestioned sign of power. Veiling can be experienced in dual-gendered ways: feminine as well as masculine. Gender fluidity performance can be seen as the local reality of the incommensurability of queerness with religious or national. Although veiling is a kind of coverage, it does not imply invisibility. Instead, it signifies intimacy and safety. There is no feeling of shame or horror. There is only the light of acceptance and belonging. The space between the fabric and the body is the expansion of freedom and joy.

Source : Anai Bharucha
Source: Anai Bharucha
Source: Anai Bharucha

The intersection of class, sexuality, and gender is expressed through colour and fabric choices. The clash of fluid and crisp fabrics, geometric and nature-like motifs, variety of colours, and religious references show already existing opulence and diversity within the local culture in a contemporary fashion context.

There is a fair quantum of boldness in the series that serves as a solid ground for the larger questions of fluidity and acceptance to levitate above it.

Source: Anai Bharucha
Source: Anai Bharucha

Marius Janusauskas is a published author and an academic who is pursuing his PhD in Gender and Diversity Studies from Ghent University with many years of professional experience in the fashion industry. His creations have been featured in Vogue, Glamour UK, Vice, Elle, and FGUK among others.

Anai Bharucha is a fashion photographer with an ability to capture personality, purpose and poise. Her work is internationally recognized, with clients such as Harper’s Bazaar, Grazia, Elle-Middle East, Architectural Digest, Paper Mag, Cosmopolitan, L’Officiel, Celio, Fila, Kenzo, amongst others.

Assistant Photographer: Rahul Das

Assistant Stylist: Susmita Choudhury

All photographs courtesy Anai Bharucha

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