Bubble Wrap Posters
Bubble Wrap Posters Press To Destress

Duo Finds Creative Way To Deal With Negative News—And It’s Coming To India!

Cara Shrivastava

We’ve all heard of how patting a dog helps release stress (what did we ever do to deserve dogs!?). But did you know popping bubbles on bubble wrap for a good minute or so releases as much stress as a 33 minute massage? According to research done by Deep Chhabria and Pritika Mathur, it could even be more effective than yoga and meditation! This information led to a movement led by the duo called, ‘Press to Destress’. The movement attempts to break negative news in a less stressful manner — by coating it with bubble wrap! From global ongoing topics, to new polarizing issues to basic overall bad news, the posters have so far tackled gender inequality, homelessness America, droughts and gun laws.

To begin with, they began putting up bubble-wrap coated posters at prominent public places and in newspapers. An art exhibit at an immigrant showcase followed too, as the campaign is growing organically. When asked what motivated them to do the same, Pritika and Deep simply said, “As immigrants in the US, the only thing we wanted to do was extend a hand of help and happiness and show that service to humankind through creative solutions surpasses every bias and apprehension. So all we hope to achieve through this initiative is to get people to smile, breathe and most importantly press to destress!”

As of now, their movement is solely based in the United States, where they’re working on spreading their initiative. Pritika, an illustrator, plans to bring the movement back with her to India in July, once she finishes her advertising course. “What’s the point of an immigrant movement if it doesn’t help our own country? You’ll be seeing us all around Mumbai first, and then Delhi,” she says.

So Mumbai, look out for some colorful posters that you can hopefully pop, come July. It’s a wonder what people come up with to bust stress—first fidget spinners (which the HG office is guilty of owning) to bubble-wrapped news!

You can follow their movement on Instagram and Facebook.

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