
Learn Unique & Practical Skills With These 4 Unconventional Online Courses

Mannat Ahmed Khan

Some of us wish to learn beyond what was taught and some of us want to learn constantly. Online Courses’ popularity and feasibility have skyrocketed in the past few years, especially after our experience with the pandemic. An easy, affordable and fun tool to expand one’s skill set, online courses took over the skill industry by storm.

Many people after indulging in one just to see how they work, have experienced an unexpected sense of accomplishment and eventually went back to enrol in some more.

The diversity in the courses available on various platforms is astonishing. While courses on some of the basic and well-known areas of study are readily available, some unusual and unique courses are not hard to find either.

I. Podcasting

Who doesn’t put on a podcast while doing their weekly cleaning, doing their dishes or just simply enjoying the weather on their balconies? Podcasts have become widespread with their reach in terms of who makes them and who listens to them. The topics and conversations picked up by podcasters have practically no limit. From political and economic podcasts to murder mystery podcasts; everyone is immersed in this digital miracle.

However, it isn’t easy or self-explanatory to make one. For individuals who aspire to start their own podcasts, it is important to understand the technical aspects of production. Online courses allow you to learn all of those from the comfort of your home and laptop. They recommend resources, software, gadgets and techniques to put out a well-produced podcast.

Click here to know more about this course.

II. Personal Finance

How many of us were taught about taxes, expenditure, saving or banking beyond the simple interest formula in school? Most adults enter the work arena whilst having no idea about handling their own finances. How to invest smartly, how to save and how much to save or just simply how to do your taxes. Oftentimes, people learn from experience after messing up viscerally and some simple struggle perpetually.

Online courses in personal finance walk you through the complexities and the technicalities of managing your money. Being financially conscious requires skills and a certain amount of knowledge which is imperative to stay afloat on your monthly salary. These courses allow you to spend wisely and plan for future expenses as well.

Click here to know more about this course.

III. Photoshop

While most of us relate this word to Instagram and deception, Photoshop can be a very useful skill to possess in your professional and personal life. Adobe Photoshop, one of the most common software used for Photoshop can help you design, edit and produce outstanding products for your job. It helps you to create better designs even for office or school presentations and of course, editing pictures to make them look more scenic. For people who work in social media, photoshop becomes an imperative tool to produce aesthetic posts.

Online courses on Photoshop help you understand the software and the many tools you can leverage to utilise the software to its maximum potential.

Click here to know more about this course.

IV. Pet Care

Every pet owner treats their pets like their own children and cares for them in the same way. Loving your pet also means taking care of them in the right way by understanding their needs and requirements as an animal. Often time, pet owners mess up due to their lack of knowledge about the animals they’re caring for which can be avoided by learning and acquiring the right information.

Online courses on pet care provide you with the right information and skills focused on how to take care of your pet. From dietary recommendations to grooming, it provides you resources and an easier way to keep your pet happy.

Click here to know more about this course.

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