Wellbeing Nutrition - Asia's Very First Wholesome Multivitamins Sourced From Organic Farm Produce

Credit - Wellbeing Nutrition
Credit - Wellbeing Nutrition

Be the first to try a concoction of organic whole food vitamin of its own sui generis kind. Wellbeing Nutrition encapsulates a variety of potent fruits and vegetables with no use of any artificial or exterior elements in the process. Whole foods are a composition of everything organic, derived from fresh farm produce in its most pristine and natural form. Confirming evidence states that most of the vitamin and minerals supplements in our market, stacked on our shelves in an orderly manner comprise of synthetic artificial components. Choose natural life, choose health, choose wellbeing nutrition. Avnish Chabbria, founder of Wellbeing Nutrition takes us through the whole process of deriving our health benefits through these significant supplements, talking about consumer-centric allopathy and natural organic meditation/multivitamins.

What was the gap in the market for you to create a brand like well-being nutrition?

Conscious consumers have now started gravitating towards wellness products across categories and the Nutrition market. However, despite the advent of conscious consumerism and the flood of heath cafés across the nation, we have been unable to deliver a clean whole food nutrition vitamin in India as the reliance of synthetic /molecular identical cheap vitamins controlled by large and small pharmaceutical companies continued to dominate the market. We needed to look at the global research and clear evidence on the lack of transparency in nutrition along with selling larger claims at the back of synthetic vitamins in lab derived molecule substance to change. We knew it was time to create a pure and lean nutrition business that relied on Foods / Wholefood — clean, organic, non genetically modified organisms, vegan vitamins and minerals that came from fields, not labs.

Wellness multivitamins is a western concept; do you believe that Indian consumers are ready for the uptake?

Indians consume over 3000cr of Vitamins / Minerals each year — case in point is companies like Revital that do over 250cr in sales — We don’t compete on price as synthetic /lab derived vitamins are 10x cheaper than food-derived vitamins. India is now positioned with the millennial audience demanding better and more responsible products; from Organic herbs and organic skincare. Yet the reliance on synthetic vitamins still seems to exist. We wanted to be the first natural and organic multivitamin, deriving all our nutrition value from a mix of 39 farm-fresh ingredients.

You have lined up a series of innovative products in your portfolio taking from the Indian grandmother’s kitchen. Where did this inspiration come from?

Our next product is an ode to my Grandma. Her perfect combination of herbs and adaptogens to cure sore throat, cough/cold and the advent of Flu – the perfect Decoction Syrup. Indians have a habit of self-medicating. This is why it doesn’t come as a surprise that the over the counter market for cough/cold medications in India is over 2000cr. We are reliant on allopathic drugs to cure simple everyday immunity concerns which are easily curable through the right balance of herbs. As an entrepreneur, I spent the last three years travelling extensively and relied on this syrup to boost my immunity and cure those simple flu symptoms naturally and organically giving my foods the right fuel of ingredients so it could build a stronger and more sustainable defence. It’s all about nourishing the body with the right immuno-boosters, so it builds a natural and sustainable defence in the long term. The biggest concern with the millennial audience today is that while the awareness and benefits of these herbs are constantly fed to us, we’re still unable to find that one perfect solution to fix a simple problem.

What do you suppose holds the antidote to most of our health-related ailments?

Most consumers are aware of the benefits of Kadha, but lack three things – the knowledge of the right herbs/adaptogens needed, how to make this kadha and consume it when needed. We build this to solve all these problems – a potent dose of some of the best and purest herbs/adaptogens like echinacea (coneflower), Andrographis, Holy Basil, Turmeric, Ginger, Liquorice etc — all dehydrated to create the perfect visual and sensory appeal — in an easy and convenient format to consume on the go, like the generation we live in. Potent, Convenient and Instant – but also 100% pure and organic. Some of our ingredients come from the amazon forest to Guatemala so we pride ourself in choosing the most potent and honestly grown/harvested ingredients with no compromise on efficacy.

The brand is positioned as all-natural. How do you legitimise the claim with the critics?

We started our research at John Hopkins and over the last 4 years have done clinical trials on our claims and benefits. We have gone a step further and listed all our research studies/ claims and certifications on the website to maintain 100% transparency. We are the country’s first and only whole food multivitamin derived from 39 fruits, veggies and herbs that delivers 1 full serving of fruit & veggies ( Nutrition equivalence based on the US FDA guidelines ), 30 Antioxidant superfoods ( Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity Of 40,000/tablet) making it the most potent antioxidant tablet in Asia and 100% Daily Value of Key Vitamins and mineral ( all-natural and derived from farm-fresh foods). We are among the only 5 companies globally that have a US NOP certified effervescent tablet using 100% natural ingredients from US & EU certified farms. We preserve this with organic citric acid/dried lime juice. It takes us an average of 3/4 months to source all our ingredients due to varied growing seasons of each ingredient.

As an entrepreneur, what was the hardest part of the process of developing a product and creating a brand?

I am an Entrepreneur on the go, a nomad at heart but a conscious nutritionist with a clear focus on feeding my body better. When supplements on the shelf could do any more, I went in search of solutions. I started my research at John Hopkins University to build what I believed would be the next frontier in daily nutrition. This journey took me all over the world from the green grasslands of Europe, Fertile vegetable fields of Kansas, herb plantations of Bulgaria and fruit orchards of Maine, places I never imagined visiting. I was lucky enough to find solutions and discover the immense value of smarter nutrition. Changing my nutrition changed my health, immunity and skin. Wellbeing Nutrition was my way to help people prioritise their nutrition no matter how hectic their lives became. It’s a step to a very important journey.

A wellness belief you swear by?

Don’t fall for Fads and quick fixes – keto, intermittent fasting etc. Understand your body and set personal goals – your body is not the same as the person next to you, and hence what works for him/her might not work for you. Read, learn and research about everything you consume and focus on a balanced diet of fruits, greens and vegetables.

For more information about Wellbeing Nutrition’s products, click here.

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