#DriveForOxygen Aims To Raise Funds For Truck Drivers Risking Their Lives To Supply Oxygen

#DriveForOxygen Aims To Raise Funds For Truck Drivers Risking Their Lives To Supply Oxygen
L: Yahoo Finance

While systematic failure left thousands gasping for oxygen in India, there are some frontline workers who continue to work tirelessly in an attempt to make oxygen available for as many people as possible. Among those are HAZ-certified drivers who clock in over 12 hours daily to supply oxygen across various parts of the country. These drivers risk deliveries through containment zones, lockdowns, and exhaustion. All while not being considered ‘frontline workers’, essential or even emergency services and working on a basic salary. Enter HumSafer Driver Safety Foundation’s #DriveForOxygen initiative that aims to support 4000 drivers.

HumSafer Driver Safety Foundation is an app-based technology that builds safer operating conditions for truck drivers to reduce road accidents by providing truck drivers with safety tools and real-time interventions in their local languages that helps avoid any fatigue or chances of meeting with any accident. The app also helps them stay connected with family and other members of the trucking community. Along with this the app includes many health and wellness programs aimed at providing well-rounded lives to the drivers and provide opportunities for their families. The objective of these exercises is to change this largely fragmented network and foster a sense of community while making them prosperous members of society.

Their latest campaign #DriveforOxygen is trying to keep the drivers motivated and improve the efficiency of the supply chain by 5 per cent. This would mean that they will be supplying an extra 300T of oxygen that can help around 2700 patients. They aim to do this in collaboration with 33 plus oxygen plants that they are in touch with. The proceeds from the donation raised during #DriveForOxygen will help elevate these drivers to the status of essential workers which in turn will help provide them with incentives, healthcare, vaccinations and COVID insurance coverage for them and their families. The drive is in partnership with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Uplift Mutual, Nudge Foundation, Live to Give and JFK Transports – all of who have generously lent their support for the cause. With 170 sponsors and funds coming in from across the world, over INR 7.5 Lakh and counting has been raised so far. These funds have benefited 100 drivers as of now.

HumSafer co-founder, Jehaan Kotwal says, “We launched the drive as we realized the shortfall we are headed towards if this gap is not addressed. Even a 5% increase in efficiency of our supply chain will result in an additional 300 tonnes of oxygen supply and will benefit 2700 extra lives. Our efforts towards this largely marginalized community will not stop with this drive. We will continue to create platforms to aid those who keep India moving.”

Co-founder Sumedh Mane adds, “We have made the health of the trucker community our utmost priority, and are able to do so through NGO partnerships. We also aim to equip drivers with resources that will enable them to grow financially and make them prosperous members of society. We hope that this drive will shine some light on their predicament and with the right support, we can help our capeless heroes.”

To donate to Humsafar’s #DriveforOxygen initiative, click here.

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