Alicia Goveas' Body Paint Project Is A Sublime Intersection of AI And Human Creativity

Alicia Goveas
Alicia GoveasAlicia Goveas

Born in Dubai, Alicia Goveas is a creative enthusiast and visual artist. Known as one of the first body painters in Dubai, Alicia's creative expression manifests unique transformations and exquisite face and body art. She believes that our bodies are a canvas and certainly uses them as one. In her latest project , she explores our anxieties about the future of artificial intelligence and its affect on human creativity.

In a quick interview, the artist lets us in into her world and her creative process.

Tell us about your project.

Its a body painting project that explores the relationship between humans and technology exploring themes like the birth of AI, what it means for artists / dancers / and creatives in the performance arts space, how one navigates the nuances of this rapid change and how we can integrate the two without losing the essence of art. The project aims to dig deeper into understanding how robotic we’ve become with our bodies , our movements and our thought processes.

What are some things you learned while putting this project together?

That good art takes time. Study your human canvas.

What are some of your biggest inspirations over the years of your artistic career?

Definitely Music TV shows like Skin wars and Face off. Apart from that, traveling around India always inspires me.

Describe your creative process and the purpose with which you create.

My creative process usually starts off with an idea that sparks in the most random and absurd moment - mid day while reading / or just before sleeping. I then save it in my notes on my phone, revisit it the next day to see if I am still inspired to build on it and if it is actually feasible, and I then get down to work; Research , moodboards , logistics , sourcing models, paints , story boarding. The process is detailed and intricate when creating art on human beings but my purpose with which I create is always from a place of relatability/ meaning and something that really inspires me. I hate jumping on trends or short lived “content”.

Follow Alicia here.
