How Young Henna Artists Are Reviving The Age Old Tradition Using Modern Aesthetics

How Young Henna Artists Are Reviving The Age Old Tradition Using Modern Aesthetics

The age-old tradition of Henna has a special place in our culture as it is associated with South Asian and Middle Eastern femininity. A practice that has gone on for over 5000 years was originally used for its natural cooling properties for the people living in hot desert climates. The medicinal art applied on palms and soles of feet has many healing properties as it is also used for ailments such as burns and open wounds. 

It is interesting how this semi-permanent ink stain has achieved such an important status in our celebrations. Brought to India through the Mughal invasion, henna was initially a marker of class but soon became accessible to people of all socioeconomic levels. Presently the art form is an important aesthetic addition in the bridal attire and has become synonymous with the joyful day. However, beyond its traditional usage, many young creatives are presently also experimenting with henna to create inventive designs.


Dr. Azra

The henna artist Azra is an aesthete who not only shares her own stellar work but also of other similar artists on her own page. An individual who truly relishes the beauty of the art form, she was commissioned by Adidas to design three sneakers using henna. Recently she also created a stencil with graphic designer Shamma Buhazza that can be used to achieve futuristic design on your hands. The artist is fascinated with exploration as she captures deeper ideas of life as well as pop-culture references on her palms, forming a visual diary of influences. 

Find them here.


Henna Vagabond

The medium of henna can be used to dissect ones of one's own personal culture through the language of design. Henna Vagabond is a page run by another young creative who utilises the artform to draw connections to nature and heritage. The intricate patterns not only reflect her artistic brilliance but also showcase the beauty of traditional art and architecture that often act as inspirations.  

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A stylist by profession, Ruqaiyyah is an explorer of aesthetics who also inculcates the art of henna in her visual imagery. Inspired by contemporary designs, her henna creations merge traditional patterns with the modern. As a result one can view the duality of her own cultural heritage. The young creative is experimental with her process and plays around with the medium as part of styling itself. 

Find them here.
