Rosé to Regret: A Photoseries Capturing The Beautiful Chaos Of A Night Out

Eight by Eight Cubicle
Eight by Eight Cubicle Vriddhi Sawlani
Eight by Eight Cubicle
Eight by Eight CubicleVriddhi Sawlani

"Here's the recipe for a typical Saturday night:

Take one 8x8 cubicle, add a tablespoon of makeup, 2 teaspoons of gossip, a cup of ranting,

a pinch of OOTN (Outfit of the Night), and just enough alcohol to spice up the night."

Photographer Vriddhi Sawlani weaves a lucid visual narrative around a Saturday night out in her conceptual photo series, titled ‘Eight by Eight Cubicle’. The series recollects the misadventures shared amongst two friends drinking on a night out, set in a bathroom cubicle. Through a comparison of before and after photographs, Vriddhi captures the relatable and often dramatic shifts that occur throughout the duration of a night out — from the excitement of getting ready to the regrettable decisions and consequences that follow.

"I can recall my favourite nights out based on the time I spent in a cubicle with my friends, applying makeup and getting ready. Ironically, we would always end up returning to the same cubicle to support each other after a typical Saturday night. This is an experience that many of us have had, and the series explores the contrast between two different moods on a typical Saturday night in the same familiar cubicle."
Vriddhi Sawlani on her photo series 'Eight by Eight Cubicle'
Eight by Eight Cubicle
Eight by Eight CubicleVriddhi Sawlani

The attention to detail dazzles with the use of contrasting colours and lighting that reflect the twists and turns the night takes. In the before photos, delicate shades of cream and beige are employed, accompanied by glasses of rosé, setting a tone of elation and laughter.  This contrasts with the stark imagery of the aftermath, featuring harsh fluorescent green lighting and graffiti on the bathroom wall, which signals to the impulsive and reckless atmosphere that the night has morphed into.

The series offers a powerful and captivating portrayal of the emotional and human experiences that come with a night out. The continuity and contrast between the before and after photos effectively captures the transformations that occur throughout the night, while the use of colours and lighting adds depth and complexity to the narrative.

Direction - Vriddhi and Ayan Chugh  

Talent-  Sadhwavana & Kush Parwani  

Set design - Ayan Chugh   

Photography and Concept  - Vriddhi

Styling - Megha Khandelwal 

MUA - Sizzlin Scissors 

Location - The Grey Space
