17-Year-Old Girl Takes Charge Of Protest Against Farmer Ordinances In Punjab

17-Year-Old Girl Takes Charge Of Protest Against Farmer Ordinances In Punjab
The Indian Express

While most 10th graders would choose to take some time off after the completion of their board exams, Baldeep Kaur from Bathinda who scored 85 per cent in her boards led a tractor march against farm ordinances. With the elders of the village following her, she had the support of all her family members.

In a conversation with The Indian Express, Baldeep said, “I have driven a tractor inside our fields a number of times before. But this for the first time, I have driven a tractor from my village to Bathinda city on my own. It was a 19-km ride and so many elders followed me.” She revealed that after seeing her father face the hardships of being a farmer, she wanted to be a part of the protest.

“These ordinances are not farmer-friendly. We are already under losses and the government will further take away our right to cultivate our fields as the corporate sector will be allowed to take over the agriculture sector. Already due to rising prices of diesel and petrol, our finances have taken a hit,” she added, as mentioned in the same report.

The Tribune reports that the farmers were protesting against the Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Ordinance, Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Ordinance, and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Ordinance.

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