adidas Launches New Beer And Puke Proof Sneakers

adidas Launches New Beer And Puke Proof Sneakers
The Comeback

While we admit there is nothing like too much beer not everybody can live up to that sentiment and what’s worse is when the ones who fails at it spill some of the abundant fizzy golden liquid on the table on your shoes; or worse decides to throw up on them.

But now there’s a way to have a boozy night sans all the mess.

For the Oktoberfest in Berlin-one of the largest celebration of beer in the world, Adidas has launched its Adidas München “Oktoberfest” sneakers that are both have a protective coating on the shoes that is both a beer repellant and puke durable!

These black leather shoes with a leather lining and and embroidered in gold on the sides is what you need to protect your footwear from being prey to beer induced spills. Cheers to that!

Price: INR 15,840 (approx $240)

While they seem to be currently out of stock keep a check on availability here.

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