Delhi Takes A Shot And Makes Alcohol Available Across The City’s Restaurants

Delhi Takes A Shot And Makes Alcohol Available Across The City’s Restaurants

Vaah! Alcohol will now be served across Delhi’s restaurants without any restrictions on its sale whatsoever. In a letter sent to the commissioner of the Department of Excise, Entertainment and Luxury Tax’s Chief Minister Manish Sisodia states, “Several state governments including Assam, Punjab, Rajasthan etc have permitted service of liquor by license holders under the Excise rules at the table in restaurants and clubs and in the hotel rooms. Considering the revenue implications, Excise department is to issue necessary permission for service of liquor in the restaurants & clubs by licensees at the table and in the hotel rooms.” This, however, does not include bars.

Delhi’s Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) has also approved the reopening of hotels and weekly markets. This is after more than four months of complete lockdown. Going ahead, gymnasiums are still to be closed. Restaurants and hotels are to cater to all the social distancing guidelines and safety protocols as well while serving liquor.

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