Indian Brands Leading The Change With Sustainable and Performance Driven Yoga Wear

Indian Brands Leading The Change With Sustainable and Performance Driven Yoga Wear
(L) Dr. Susan Vaisian ; (R) Proyog

Yoga is much more than a fitness fad. Ardent practitioners of yoga understand that every ebb and flow in the body, whether it be breath, energy or strength is a contributing factor to a fulfilling session. In order to have this experience, it is imperative to be in a space that allows one to be mindful and attire that allows one to be truly present. While there are ‘n’ numbers of attire that are comfortable enough, many of the serious practitioners of yoga would have something to say about the popular spandex/polyester yoga pants. While they do not restrict movement, they are not breathable, nor are they rooted in a philosophy of sustainability. If yoga is a part of your lifestyle, there is also the need to do right by the philosophy that drives it.

This yoga day, we look to these homegrown brands that feature yoga attire that are sustainable, breathable and performance driven.

Driven by their values – pure, impactful, mindful, authentic, bold and adventurous, Satva is a sustainable clothing brand striving to restore balance on Earth, in their own way. Offering a selection of basics from bras and bralettes to leggings and jackets, they have chemical free, organic cotton variants of all the pieces that one would need to start building a more nature conscious wardrobe. Their focus on using the best quality cotton is the reason why it can be considered as an ideal choice to wear to your next yoga session.

Claiming that they are more than just sportswear in disguise, the need to reclaim traditional yoga attire is the driving force behind the sustainable yoga wear brand Proyog. The pieces from the brand were founded by serious yoga practitioners keeping performance in mind. The fact that a large number of yoga practitioners, especially outside of India adorn plastic/PET fabric was also a driving force behind the inception of this brand. Owing to the fact that they don’t restrict one’s range of motion, the masters of yoga all wore dhoti or such unrestrictive drapes. So even though they offer the usual pieces such as tights and tank tops, the dhoti is their prime product. In addition to these, they also have tunics, vests, yoga mats and scarves in their collection, all made with their trademarked Hyperbreath fabric.

With a vision to create fashion that are beautiful on the inside and the outside, My Soul Space is a brand that is driven by good ethics – for the ecology, about the people involved in growing the crop, about fair trade, living wages and working conditions. The clothes from the brand are made with pesticide and GMO free fabrics. The brand has a line of yoga, studio and gym wear that can be worn in the streets as well. They aim to make their customers “look good while they do good”, by creating clothes made with organic cotton and using responsible and sustainable manufacturing methods, all while keeping the designs fresh.

If you are a serious yoga practitioner or is just a beginner intrigued by the idea of yoga, we suggest you do it right, by opting to wear sustainable brands like these.

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