Printmaking With Light: Attend A Delhi Art Centre Cyanotype Workshop This Weekend

An upcoming cyanotype workshop by Delhi Art Centre, scheduled for January 7, 2024, at Third Wave Coffee in Delhi, is set to unravel the mysteries of this captivating photographic technique.
An upcoming cyanotype workshop by Delhi Art Centre, scheduled for January 7, 2024, at Third Wave Coffee in Delhi, is set to unravel the mysteries of this captivating photographic technique.Delhi Art Centre

In the realm of alternative photographic processes, cyanotype stands as an age-old luminary, weaving its history through the annals of photography. Emerging in the early 19th century, Sir John Herschel's experimentation with iron salts, sunlight, and water gave birth to the captivating cyanotype process, producing vivid white and Prussian blue images. The term 'blueprint' itself echoes the technique's historical roots, as cyanotypes were originally employed for reproducing technical drawings before their widespread adoption by photographers.

An upcoming cyanotype workshop by Delhi Art Centre, scheduled for January 7, 2024, at Third Wave Coffee in Delhi, is set to unravel the mysteries of this captivating photographic technique. The workshop beckons both novices and seasoned artists, promising a weekend of creative exploration with no prior art experience required.

Cyanotype, a camera-less process, involves placing objects on paper coated with iron salts, exposing them to UV light, and then washing the prints with water. This method offered a more accessible and economical alternative to silver-based techniques, making it a revolutionary step in the early days of photography. The historical significance of cyanotype extends to the pioneering work of Anna Atkins, the world's first female photographer. Atkins utilized cyanotype to create Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions, a groundbreaking 1843 publication that marked the first photobook in history.

Delhi Art Centre, known for its innovative workshops, is extending an invitation to delve into the magic of cyanotype. The workshop promises a delightful journey into two popular cyanotype techniques: one involving photo cyanotype and the other featuring plant cyanotype. All materials are provided, and attendees can savour complimentary coffee and snacks, while indulging in the history and the elemental processes of photography.

DM Delhi Art Centre here to book a seat.
