These Gurgaon Teenagers Are Providing Fresh Food To Those In Need

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Perhaps, one of the biggest challenges crippling our country today is hunger. It ranks third in the Global Hunger Index in all of Asia and 194.6 million people in India go hungry everyday. One in every four children in the country is malnourished and about 25 lakh people die of starvation every year. As inefficiency and corruption plague the public distribution system, two students from Gurugram have taken it upon themselves to feed the needy. Arjun Sawhney, 17 and Jessy Jindal, 18 are tying up with top cafes and restaurants to prepare and provide fresh, good quality food to the poor and the hungry through their entrepreneurial venture, FeedOn.

The teenagers were inspired by a motivational speaker at their school, thereafter which they launched FeedOn. “Everyone has a right to tasty food. People want to help, but there is a dearth of accessible avenues for it,” reported India Today, quoting Arjun. They have tied up with around 26 restaurants and 8 NGO’s to provide 200-500 good quality meals every week. It relies upon a strong volunteer network based around cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai etc.

Image Source: Feed On Facebook Page

According to a Times Of India report, ‘The two Class XII students have also launched a pilot programme — Daily Meals, Daily Impact — to provide meals to students at a Gurgaon-based NGO.’ Providing mid day meals to over 200 students in Gurugram schools is one of the projects they have undertaken. FeedOn that launched in April 2016 has provided over 13,000 meals so far. They strongly believe that fresh good quality food should be a basic need, not a luxury. They also have a strong social media and digital movement to invite more NGO’s and volunteers to be part of the movement and be able to create a more lucrative business model for their social enterprise and a larger impact on the society. The aim is to see a day when everyone goes to bed, well-fed.

For more details about FeedOn, visit their website here.

You can check out their powerful projects on their Facebook page here.

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