This ‘Chai Musk’ Perfume Is The Aroma Of Nostalgia

This ‘Chai Musk’ Perfume Is The Aroma Of Nostalgia
Avanne Dubash via Twitter

The slightest of fragrances can stir up powerful memories, taking you back in time, perhaps to a place, or an unforgettable meal, or even to last Tuesday for a particular reason. This very trait has been tapped into by Bombay Perfumery, when they decided to launch their unique fragrance: Chai Musk. Bombay Perfumery is no age-old ittar house that has been around since primordial times. In fact, it has only been a year and a half since founder Manan Gandhi thought of starting an independent perfumery and launching eight signature fragrances.

But who’d want to smell like chai, you ask? Manan told the Times of India in an interview that the concept behind the Musk was to tease a series of chai-sipping memories, and not ‘smell like chai’. After all, the characteristic chai tupris dotting every street are so central to the City’s life. Imagine standing at a tupri as fresh chai is being brewed. The chaiwalla then throws in some freshly cut lemongrass to the piping hot tea brimming up the vessel. You can’t wait to sip on the delicious glass of cutting chai as soon as the grassy aroma emerges.

That is precisely what the French perfumer Alexandra Carlin experienced when she was on a chai-tasting spree in India. Her idea was to capture this odyssey of smells into a bottle and make it a part of the series. With the blending in of the Osmanthus flower, roasted nut accord, and sandalwood oil, the fragrant concoction sure strikes a polished note. As you spritz it on, you assuredly drift down the memory lane.

Initially, Manan had moved to Grasse, France, to extend his family business of supplying fragrance ingredients, and that is where the eureka struck him. Like they were in Europe, independent perfumeries weren’t a concept back home. With Bombay Perfumery as a native brand, he thought of catering to an increasing number of consumers that were looking at going for contemporary Indian products. When it came to retailing the scent series, the idea of being herded into a bunch of other perfumes did not appeal to him. Thus, Bombay Perfumery has partnered with select retail outlets such as Le Mill in Mumbai, Fervour in Bengaluru, and Pepper House in Kochi.

For more information and to purchase the perfume you can visit the Bombay Perfumery website here.

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