This Trek Explores The Many Charms Of Meghalaya

This Trek Explores The Many Charms Of Meghalaya

A land synonymous to paradise, where the lush green meadows ornament the area. Rivers with crystal clear water manoeuvres its way through the high mountains and deep valleys. The clouds gently kiss the higher grounds, giving an impression as if the gurgling white waterfalls have risen from these fluffy clouds. The land of Meghalaya.

Inhabited by ancient tribes, the land has been preserved by these tribal communities as they hold nature to religious and cultural significance. So Meghalaya is a perfect example which displays the fascinating relationship that can be seen in the humans who live alongside and in blend with the natural environment, with their lifestyles shaped according to the changing surroundings.

One such human – nature interactive existence can be experienced on the trek to the Living Root Bridge of the Nongriat village. These living root bridges are one of the manmade masterpieces, dating back many centuries. Not for the weak kneed and faint hearted, one has to walk great distances on tough roads and climb numerous flights of stairs, until they finally reach the top with a breath-taking view. But the journey is equally mesmerizing and enchanting, with the sound of chirping birds, a small stream of waterfall flowing by, the sound of leaves when the breeze kisses past them, the jungles enveloped with clouds and fresh dew, making the surrounding so astounding and spectacular.


Another magnificent adventure on the same route, is the trek to Rainbow falls. They are named so because one can always see a rainbow over it when there is sufficient sunlight. Passing through a dense forest filled with exotic trees and flowers, one is welcomed by the most stunning and aesthetic varieties of butterflies. Fluttering around, it feels as if colours and shapes are floating in the sky, displaying their best combinations. As one begins to traverse close to their ultimate destination, he is hinted with the echoes of the waterfall and snippets of emerald waters through the thick foliage. And finally when one reaches up there, they are astonished by the view. Turquoise clear water flowing through rocks perched on the top, the water so clear and pristine that it feels divine, surrounded by thick, lush green forests, it’s a treat to the eyes!

ChaloHoppo is one offbeat travel agency which takes you through this adventurous trek. You can find detailed itinerary, charges, inclusive and exclusive activities and other customary details and policies on their official website. Reviews and photographs of this trek are also available on their website for better insight.

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