Trek Through This Pristine Valley Of Nagaland To Experience Nature At It’s Best

Trek Through This Pristine Valley Of Nagaland To Experience Nature At It’s Best
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Bordering the province of Myanmar, Nagaland, the mountainous state of India, is a land of festivals and folklore that have been passed down from generations. Located on the North-Eastern boundary of India, it is a home to sixteen Naga tribes, each with their unique, distinct culture and traditions. Opened recently for tourists, it is still a largely unexplored and a true hotspot for adventure lovers. Ideal for rural tourism and witnessing nature’s mesmerizing facets, it offers rare opportunities to experience the life of traditional tribal villages. A beautiful destination of unending exploration, Nagaland treasures abundant wild flora and fauna, where once can soak in the freshness of the air, beautiful and lush ranch lands with white fluffy clouds hovering above and also admire the noble and humble life of the tribes.

One such place, a paradise for trekkers and wanderers, where they can experience solitude in the lap of nature, with rich landscapes and picturesque panoramic views, is the trek to Dzukou Valley of Nagaland. The green emerald valley of Dzukou, taking one through the thick bamboo forests and spindling clear river waters, is situated at the borders of Nagaland and Manipur. Getting its name from its namesake river, meaning “cold waters”, it is most well-known for the multicoloured carpet of flowers that bloom during the prime season, giving a colorful and charming flora, offering serenity and tranquility in the pristine valley.

Rural Odyssey

Beginning from the golden rice fields of the Jakhama 8000 ft below, the tail end of this easy trek awaits the alienated thick and tall bamboo forests, where one can also see frozen crystal on the leaves of the shoot if lucky enough. The decorated tribal houses of this Asia’s first green village offer stunning clicks while the fresh catches from the stream leave us with the lingering authentic taste of Naga cuisine and tender fresh meat. The speckled vistas of flourishing grasslands and clouds kissing the towering green mountains, walking beside the meandering rivers offering jaw-dropping scenery and bright flowers dancing on the beats sung by the wind, it is an experience that will leave you astonished but calmed.

This trek is offered by travel companies like OFFBEAT TRACKS, ChaloHoppo, ULTIMATE FRONTIER OUTLANDS and Kipepeo. Their individual websites provide briefings, detailed itinerary, equivalent cost, photographs and reviews to help the audiences in a better way and other customary details.

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