5 Homegrown Artists Breathing New Life Into Water Colours And Acrylics

5 Homegrown Artists Breathing New Life Into Water Colours And Acrylics
(L) Namrata Kumar ; Aditya Raj (R)
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3 min read

The digital age is well and truly upon us, and all its aspects including money, experiences, and art, are on a steady rise of popularity.

Time and again, we have been intrigued, inspired, and are constantly in awe of digital art. A skill many aim to master, this modern artform ranges from illustrations to complex 3D animations.

Today, however, we want to take you back to a long-standing yet underrated form of art, and that is of good ol’ painting. No, we do not mean our simple hillocks with a stream and a hut in the foreground, as the sun sets behind it – this is the real deal.

Several Indian artists hold mastery in this form, and create their own special pieces. Here are five of them.

I. Aditya Raj

Giving us flashes of nostalgia, familiarity, and an overall slice-of-life feeling, Aditya’s watercolour paintings are special tidbits of India. Iconic bookstores, food stalls, snacks, and more, this neighbourhood artist has successfully and lovingly given us paintings to admire.

It’s almost as if his work meets halfway between realism and old-school visuals, and we’re here for it. Keeping each location or object’s integrity alive, Aditya’s work is totally follow-worthy.

Find Aditya Raj here.

Image Courtesy: Aditya Raj

II. Namrata Kumar

With acrylic paints as her medium of choice, Namrata’s paintings are detail-driven and awe-worthy. As we look at her pieces, we cannot help but imagine a print or two hanging in the walls of our homes.

She has several series of portraits of women that are exquisite, with ‘Women of Ceylon’ and ‘Seated Women’ being our favourites.

This Delhi-based artist sure knows her way around creating insightful and wondrous pieces of art and has undoubtedly added us as a fan.

Find Namrata Kumar here.

Image Courtesy: Namrata Kumar

III. Prakash Thombre

Prakash Thombre is a design enrepreneur and an artist, and his approach to both, life and design, is one that appeals to us highly – ‘simple, clear, honest and to the point’. His entire art collection across various forms is mesmerising, but his watercolour sketch collection is one that we find particularly precious.

Human portraits with a flair that is difficult to achieve, the ambiguous boundaries and depth-highlighting use of colour, Prakash Thombre’s work feels effortless.

Find Prakash here.

Image Courtesy: Prakash Thombre

IV. Richa Kashelkar

Goa-based Richa’s work seems to be inspired from the everyday. From late nights at Regal Cinema in Mumbai to waiting for dessert at a dinner table, her paintings are fun, full of life, and personal. Her style leans to Fauvism, which she describes as ‘use of vivid colours and bold, painterly brush strokes’. They are not meant to look like realistic portrayals of events, which in turn emphasises their beauty.

Find Richa here.

Image Courtesy: Richa Kashelkar

V. Uday Bhan

Art instructor Uday Bhan’s watercolour on paper is no less than a marvel. Each blend of colour and stroke of the brush holds a place and meaning and lends wholly to the end result. Giving his work a high degree of lifelike reality, Uday’s portraits stand out more than most.

Each piece is successful at conveying emotion, expression, and intent. As powerful as it is, it is also sensitive.

Find Uday here.

Image Courtesy: Uday Bhan

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