Decoding Democracy: An Easy Guide To The 2024 Indian General Elections

An Indian woman shows the camera that she's just cast her vote.
A Homegrown Guide To The 2024 General Elections In IndiaBloomberg

Navigating the twists and turns of our electoral system can feel like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded. It's a maze of rules and processes that can leave anyone scratching their head. However, amidst this complexity, there's a rising tide of political consciousness among younger generations that are eager to see change, to make a difference in their communities and the world at large. Yet, for all of us, understanding the intricacies of how voting works and the inner workings of government can be a gradual journey. It can take some time for people to understand the impact of their vote, grasp the nuances of policymaking, and navigate the checks and balances that define our democratic system. To make it easier, here's a easy to understand Homegrown breakdown of our our two-tiered electoral system.

The Rajya Sabha

First off, we have the Rajya Sabha elections. Think of them like the VIP club of Parliament, where members are chosen indirectly by state governments based on their population. It's like a fancy dinner party where the guest list is carefully curated. States like Uttar Pradesh get more seats because they have a bigger population, while smaller states like Nagaland and Mizoram have just one seat each. These members serve for six years, and every two years, one-third of them face re-election.

The Lok Sabha

Now, let's zoom into the main event: the Lok Sabha elections, also known as the Parliamentary General Elections. This is where the real action happens. Picture this: all the adult citizens of the country get to vote for their favourite candidates in their respective constituencies. It's like a massive talent show where candidates compete to win the hearts (and votes) of the people; yes, it is as grand as it sounds and the rallies and celebrations on the streets come results day are proof of that.

The Prime Minister

Once elected, these members hold their seats for five years and are called Members of Parliament (MPs). The Lok Sabha, with its 543 members, forms the Lower House of Parliament. Additionally, 131 seats are reserved for representatives of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, ensuring diversity and representation.

After the votes are cast and the dust settles, the Election Commission of India counts the votes that have been cast and determines the party that has won a majority. The president then invites the winning party to form a government and to nominate one of its candidates to the role of Prime Minister. If no single party clinches a clear majority, coalitions come into play, where the leading party teams up with smaller ones to form a government.


Now, let's fast forward to the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. It's a big deal, to put it lightly, with 969 million Indians gearing up to cast their votes for 543 seats in the lower house of parliament, the Lok Sabha. The party that secures a majority will get to choose the prime minister and lead the ruling government. Voting kicks off on April 19 and runs until June 1, with results announced on June 4. Different states have varying voting days, with populous states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and West Bengal spreading their voting frenzy across seven days due to their massive populations.

In this dance of democracy, these coalitions can be key and are often formed before, during, or after elections. It's a dynamic process where leaders can represent contrasting visions that then have to be reconciled.

So, there you have it — a peek behind the curtain of our general elections. It's a spectacle of democracy in action, where every vote counts, and the future of our nation hangs in the balance. But if that feels too overwhelming, just think of it as a choice and personal responsibility to show solidarity with the things we believe in.

Tl;dr — go vote.
