Normalising The Female Orgasm: Sakshi Jalan’s Artwork Is All About It

Normalising The Female Orgasm: Sakshi Jalan’s Artwork Is All About It
Sakshi Jalan

The irony in Indian society is a thing of marvel. The same set of people and beliefs that sexualise women and their bodies are first to object to any conversation around their sexual well-being.

Sakshi Jalan, a Kolkata-based illustrator and graphic designer created a quirky and colourful representation of a female orgasm (something that is yet to be normalised) in hopes that it will bring about much-needed conversations. Unfortunately, the post was taken down by Instagram citing ‘violation of community guidelines’ as the reason.

Her motivation stems from the aforementioned irony, as she says, “Despite living in a hyper-sexualised society, female masturbation and orgasms are not appropriate subjects of discussion, even among girls. I wanted to explore why and where this taboo stems from and start a conversation about the same.”

Female pleasure, sexual health and orgasms continue to be sidelined not just in India, but all over the world. Art such as that of Sakshi’s does a commendable job of giving it the importance it deserves and requires. Now if only Instagram’s ‘community guidelines’ were to understand the same.

You can find Sakshi’s work here.

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