The Balcão: An Architectural Blog & Zine Covering Goan Architecture & Heritage

The Balcão: An Architectural Blog & Zine Covering Goan Architecture & Heritage
Image Courtesy: LBB
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For long, Goan architecture has been collectively perceived to not only be largely inspired but almost entirely borrowed from Portuguese architectural designs owing to its colonial past. But over time, Goan architects, as well as locals with a deep interest in Goan architecture and heritage, have debunked this myth, establishing that the Goan traditional architecture has its own language — one that is intrinsic, artistic and beautiful and to set the record straight, very native and indigenous in nature. While the Portuguese influence is not lost on us, the influences on Goan architecture are multi-faceted and it has evolved over time to become what it is today.

In the midst of this is Lester Silveira, an architect hailing from Goa whose personal architecture blog and zine platform The Balcão is an attempt to deep dive into Goan architecture and heritage. Talking about the evolution of Goan architecture in his blog, he writes, “As I explored Goan architecture, one thing became evident to me. The beauty of Goan architecture lies in its imperfections — walls not to plumb, an askew roof, irregular cut mother-of-pearl shells, patchy lime plastering, unsymmetrical mouldings etc. The well-traversed Goans who had seen Europe and the rest of the world incorporated a lot of ideas from their foreign travels into their homes. And this experimental and handcrafted nature is at the very heart of Goan architecture.”

Goan architecture and heritage with The Balcão an architecture blog and zine platform by Lester Silveira
Goan architecture and heritage with The Balcão an architecture blog and zine platform by Lester Silveira
Image Courtesy: The Balcão

Founded in 2017, the blog was started from his love for both architecture and Goa. Goa for him till then, had been a place that defined the nostalgia of annual summer vacations when he visited the place, having grown up in Bahrain.

The blog though borrows its name from the Balcão, an architectural feature that is central to Goa’s unique identity. Defined as an extended porch with seats built into the side and reached by a series of steps, the Balcão is where it all happens - interaction with passers by, daily gossip, and random conversation.

In an interview with, he explained the significance of the name, “I wanted to name my website after this amazing feature because, in many ways, they are similar. If you imagine the whole state of Goa as one large house, the website acts as a device that connects it to the outer world in the digital realm. Here, the entire globe can read, learn and engage in conversations about Goan architecture and culture, making it an e-balcão of sorts. It’s a new interpretation of the good ol’ ‘bolkanv’ in the digital era.”

Follow The Balcão for more Goan architecture here.

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