The Freelancer Grind Guide - The Ultimate Guide Dedicated Towards Aspiring Graphic Designers

The Freelancer Grind Guide - The Ultimate Guide Dedicated Towards Aspiring Graphic Designers
Hashmukh Kerai
Published on
4 min read

Jumping from different tangents with regard to jobs or even freelancing, can be viewed as relatively challenging. It’s always the inception stage that takes perseverance. For those who gravitate towards graphic designing and creating visual concepts, or for those who yearn to head dive into this genre of work – don’t fret. The Freelancer Grind Guide, a free guide that gets you well acquainted with the whole subject. Tapering from the Do’s and Don’ts to the hacks of acquiring clientele through scintillating creatives; it’s an amalgamation of all of these vital truths and skills to get you primed and well versed to this platform.

Elaborate and tell us more about the freelancer grind guide.

The freelancer grind guide is a free guide to help creatives, giving them tips and tricks on getting into the world of freelancing. Weather creatives are just starting out on their journey for the first time, or you’re a seasoned full-timer wanting to try something new, this guide is made as an easy read to sharpen up on some tips to get your first clients. After spending over 6 years freelancing, I wanted to share everything I have learnt over that time, some of the dos and don’ts.

What are some of your biggest inspirations over the years of you being a graphic artist?

I’ve always looked at other designers in my field really. It’s easier to relate to others closer to where I am to be able to look up to. Also, film, in general, has always been an inspiration. I came from a more Film and Photography background so I have always loved looking through the lens. It’s just now, it translates more to a canvas, for my work.

Describe your creative process with which you create and form your designs.

I come up with a ridiculous amount of ideas often, but only about 0.5% of them turn into anything real. A lot of my process starts with testing and play, often in my 3D software. Once I find a direction, I can begin to plan the project out a little more clearer, knowing what is possible and what isn’t. The purpose of all my work is to have fun, but most importantly explore something new. I believe you are only as good as your last project, so making sure to test out new things, processes, is important to keep the creative juices flowing.

A still from the freelancer grind guide. Credit - Hashmukh Kerai

What is the first piece of art you felt deeply inclined towards and why?

The Matrix. This, was ART for me as a 8 year old kid back in 1999. As a Motion/VFX designer earlier on in my career, this film broke the boundaries of what film and computer graphics could do, and changed the way big blockbuster films now tell their stories.

If you could propose and lead a project with the Indian Government, what would it be?

I would love to help introduce art and design into the school system from an earlier age. I think like most countries, art/music, anything creative is seen as a waste of time, with very low career aspects. But this is changing rapidly, the world is in need of creatives more than ever before. The boom in social media and social-first advertising, means more and more job openings for people with creative experience. Teaching children from a young age to be free, have a strong imagination, will help them in many aspects of their lives in general, and show them different paths they can take later on in life.

Which is your favourite piece of work of your own & why?

This Freelancer Guide is my favourite piece for sure. The biggest reason is, I am able to give something back to the creative community that has given me so much. I truly believe in life, your journey in levelling up and being successful, is not only for you. You must take your teachings and knowledge, to pass onto other people and share. This is the fundamental reason behind this project.

One track you’re currently listening to?

late night feelings - Mark Ronson

A project you wish you were a part of and why?

Anything Nike related! Nike is the only brand that I have ever looked up to in terms of wanting to really badly work for them. The mixture of style and real culture they captivate, is super inspiring! Hopefully one day I can collaborate with them.

Your favourite midnight munchies?

Kurkure! Thankfully not too hard to find here in the UK, but omg they remind me of india so much and they are super addictive!

Your greatest vice?

My biggest vice is self doubt. It stops me from creative a lot. But with time, you learn how to take a step back, and just try again.

Download your free copy of The Freelancer Grind Guide, right here.

If you liked Hashmukh’s work be sure to check his Instagram out.

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