There Are 2 Films Releasing Today That Are Giving Thinking Indian Cinephiles Hope

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2 min read
In a welcome change, we have good reason to make cinema seat bookings this week and we reckon you would too. While Fridays have the potential to be the fork in the road for theatregoers who find solace in powerful narratives and constructive social commentary, there is a dearth of both in mainstream Indian cinema despite its phenomenal reach. However, the times they are a changin'. There are two independent films finally reaching Indian shores that promise to be game-changers, and we're hoping that these juggernauts mark a new wave of Indian cinema. One that is as transportive as it is thought-provoking. 
Chaitanya Tamhane's
Shonali Bose's
“I have a feeling that the film will be most relatable and enjoyable to viewers here, as the film depicts the everyday lives of ordinary people in a simple, and sometimes humourous way,”
“Court is my first film as a producer, and to manage an Indian release for it, is like a dream come true. I am very happy for the cast and crew of the film, whose hard work will finally be recognised by the people here. I hope we can engage the audience and get them to the theatres to support the film, and the independent spirit in which we have made it.”
"After the heartening international reception that the film has had so far, this homecoming is going to be rather special,"
Section 377
"We always look at the disabled with so much empathy, so hopefully when you are presented with a prickly topic like sexuality from their point of view, audiences might be more accepting than if it was told from the point of view of a normal person,”
“I am ready for right-wing protests when my film releases. Bring them on. As long as people can see the film and talk about these issues, I am ready to face it,”
“I was asked which star I would be casting, because that is what sells in India. I took a loan and paid for the film out of my own pocket,”
“But now that it is all behind me, I cannot wait for the Indian release. Hopefully, we can contribute to some of the conversation.”

Words: Aditi Dharmadhikari

Don't miss out. Book your tickets for 'Court' and 'Margarita With a Straw' on
