This Satyajit Ray Documentary On Sikkim Was Banned For 39 Years

This Satyajit Ray Documentary On Sikkim Was Banned For 39 Years

Satyajit Ray has been a pioneering creative in several mediums. As the years pass, our fondness and adoration for him and his legacy doesn’t halt. However, there’s always something new to discover about this trailblazer –– from the film posters he designed, to his lesser known affinity for typography; it seems this artist had so much to offer and simply couldn’t be stopped.

Another lost gem in his artistic inventory is a documentary short film called ‘Sikkim’.

‘Sikkim’ is a 1971 Indian documentary about the nation of Sikkim, directed by Satyajit Ray. The documentary was commissioned by the Chogyal (King) of Sikkim at a time when he felt the sovereignty of Sikkim was under threat from both China and India. Ray’s documentary is about the sovereignty of Sikkim, yet, the film was banned by the government of India when Sikkim merged with the former in 1975.

In 2000, the copyright of the film was transferred to the Art and Culture Trust of Sikkim. The ban was finally lifted by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in September 2010.

In his impeccable craftsmanship accompanied by iconic voice, this unseen masterpiece by Ray chronicles the diverse and rich cultures and traditions of Sikkim and its encapsulating beauty. A peek into the past, this film is surely not to be missed. Check it out below!

'Sikkim' by Bengali Movies - Angel Digital

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