Run by photographer Shivani Gupta, the cafe is known for hosting workshops, performance art, live music and events featuring some of the coolest contemporary artists, collectives and brands in the country. Citron

Goa's Citron Studio Cafe Is Building a Community-Driven Playground Of Artistic Expression

Disha Bijolia

With more and more people embracing slow living as a response to the late stage capitalism we're living in, social spaces have seena shift as well. From a fast-food service perspective that mostly encourages people to 'take-it-to-go' more and more cafes are allowing their customers to stay back and hang out making not just the food they offer but they space a commodity as well. Further down the spectrum are cafes that lean less towards the menu and more towards the community they're building, be it through art, music, dance or literature.

In Hyderabad where I spent my college years, Lamakaan was one such place where you could hang out all day reading or chatting, and even catch the evening play or book launch before heading home.

In Goa, Citron has emerged as a studio art cafe that centres art on a similar ethos. Run by photographer Shivani Gupta, the cafe is known for hosting workshops, performance art, live music and events featuring some of the coolest contemporary artists, collectives and brands in the country. As an artist who is fascinated by 'performances staged for the camera and documentation of live art', Shivani's practice is reflected through Citron that really values creating immersive experiences for its patrons.

From artists challenging identity and politics ensued from nation, state and gender, an exhibition that juxtaposed body versus garment and a meditative mask-making workshop uncovering the depths of one's personas, to a print party with homegrown brand Cosmic Roach and Mixtape nights spent sharing playlists and favourites, Citron's calendar is a fascinating look into the bubbling creative landscape within and outside Goa. Reminiscent of the intellectual symposium from the Greek times minus the aristocracy, Citron studio art cafe is a playground for free thought, creativity and celebrating art its expression through interactive play and community building.

Follow Citron here.

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