Credit- Priyanka Muniyappa
Credit- Priyanka Muniyappa 

A Photo Series Showcasing The Scintillating Beauty Of Indian Insects

Denise Quadros

Do you ever just pause, take a gander at an insect and instead of swiftly swatting away – just try living vicariously through it’s lens? Built of earthy essence and embodying flora and fauna, just only in flesh. Priyanka Muniyappa, dwells her time within the solace of natural forces. She tries to live through the lens of these natural dwellers, whom just like her seek refuge and comfort within the soft cooing of the winds, the rustling of the leaves, the whistling of the breeze through the wooden hollows. The framework of her designs embark upon these natural habitats and showcasing the raw unhindered beauty of the beetles, bugs and varied specimens of arthropods crawling, residing within the ridges of mother nature. In her green artistry - Myopic miniatures.

What are some of your biggest inspirations over the years of your artistic career?

Nature is the ultimate designer. I look up to her and try to learn her language of patterns and designs.

Describe your creative process and the purpose with which you create.

Insect and macro photography is like moving meditation, I need to silence my mind to the extent to which I can detach from my own emotions and empathise with the insect or subject I’m interacting with by trying to read their emotional state at that moment and plan a strategy to approach the insect without alarming it, approaching it with kindness and love, that it may feel comfortable in my presence and I don’t disturb it’s peace and make it defensive towards me.

You need to un-see what you’re seeing to see the insect, and their is a certain beauty in that process, like hunting for an invisible treasure. I like to challenge myself and train my eye to see shapes and silhouettes that appear natural but are in fact the defence technique of the insect, so I kind of try placing myself in the insects position while searching for places where it may be hiding in plain sight.

I do this because in my bones and body I just love nature and there is no better place to spend my time tuning out from the busy fast moving world and just slowing down and forgetting about the existence of time. Nature is also my classroom of knowledge where I can learn by seeing, observing and experiencing, taking back all that I’ve learnt and absorbed by incorporating it in bits and pieces into my life

"I do this because in my bones and body I just love nature and there is no better place to spend my time."
"I kind of try placing myself in the insects position while searching for places where it may be hiding in plain sight."

Are there any Indian contemporaries of yours whose work you admire?

Abhishek Singh - abhiart (Instagram)

He is just out of this planet, like a reincarnation of an ancient artist with mystic energy in his paintbrush. When I see his work I feel every emotion all at once.

What is the first piece of art that impacted you deeply?

Bonobo was the first artist sounded so organic and natural to my ears, I felt like my whole body listened to him when he played, each cell of mine could hear his organic surreal beautiful tunes. He is the closest thing to nature I have heart, he is just effortless in his creations.

If you could propose and lead a project with the Indian Government, what would it be?

It would be to preserve forests and ecosystems, plant the right indigenous vegetation around India that will not only benefit the forests but also restore the insect populations that have been dropping because of ecosystem loss.

Which is your favourite piece of work of your own & why?

It’s an unpublished work of mine a digital artwork of a sadhu meditating on a rock with yellow flowers blooming from the rocks, depicting the connection between nature, the human body and how our breath affects the growth of things around us. The tranquil state of the sadhus breath making even rocks break open to bloom flowers.

One track you’re currently listening to?

Back to nature - nightmares on wax

A project you wish you were a part of?

Working with the living seed bank at navdanya

Your favourite midnight munchies?

I try not to eat post 11pm, but if I end up eating something it maybe a lemon meringue pie

Your greatest vice?

Not following the rules

If you liked Priyanka’s work, check out her Instagram

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