
Wagr - An Indian Tech Device That Monitors Your Pet’s Whereabouts & Fitness Regimes

Denise Quadros

How often do we ever let our ever so friendly canine companions venture off into the unknown by themselves? Unattended? That’s right you’re already cussing away just at the mere thought of their vulnerability and loneliness. Taking care all of these overriding considerations and necessities, is a homegrown company ‘Wagr’. Wagr ensures that your little furry cherub doesn’t wander off into any dark abyss’ or unchartered territories, providing you with an interactive high-precision GPS system and a fitness tracker! Wooo, Double Whammy! Bearing in mind that lack of exercise takes huge toll on your pupper’s life, although we wish they’d stay immortal, thus it is vital that they get their daily dose of playtime and exercise. Wagr is an attachable collar device that keeps a close watch and monitors all of their activity, giving you inputs of their surroundings and whereabouts on the Wagr app.

You create a safe zone/boundary and it’s bound to give you a high alert when your pet goes astray. Allowing you to get an input on your doggo’s walking patterns, the total surface area covered and the time taken. The fitness tracker allows you to track their activity, their mobility status, if they’re resting or lolling about or even running about high on all that adrenaline. The app is built to also sustain dog sitters like family, friends giving them inputs, too. Kinda like a group chat but with doggies, so you can merge and collaborate and keep a close eye on your pets, together. The bite sized nugget when used optimally runs up to four days, after being fully charged. It’s ergonomic and lightweighted design makes it compatible for all types of collars, even rendering it to be dust and waterproof to stand against all odds. Ensure your dogs safety and fitness through Wagr!

Learn more about Wagr on their website.

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