Appreciating Allyship: Book ‘EQUALLY’ Highlights The Stories Of LGBTQ+ Allies

Appreciating Allyship: Book ‘EQUALLY’ Highlights The Stories Of LGBTQ+ Allies
The Print

The world is far from kind to those that do not fit the idea of a stereotypical, long-standing idea of gender and sexual orientation. However, never was the world a place devoid of people of various genders and sexualities –– but for these people to live a life without hate and isolation is a rare ask.

People of the LGBTQ+ deserve all the support possible –– for they are denied what they deserve at almost every stage of their lives. Being an ally is not only important, it is the right thing to do –– no questions asked.

The book ‘EQUALLY: Stories by Friends of the Queer Worldby the Pride Circle is one about personal stories of individuals who have stood up against the regressive mindset of society that shuns out a community that is very much part of our history, heritage and future. It is a collection of 45 first-person stories of allies who spoke up for the LGBTQ+ community and provided them with a safe space to be free to love, speak their mind, and simply live life.

The book stands as a reminder that being an ally, apart from social responsibility, is a way to provide someone with joy, safety and the life they deserve. The LGBTQ+ community is wronged on a daily basis –– being an ally is a way to prevent that from happening, and the book EQUALLY will prove just that to you.

‘EQUALLY: Stories by Friends of the Queer World’ releases on 9 April, 2021.

Find the Pride Circle here.

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