Debunking Myths Around Sex & Sexuality: The Sangya Project Is A Space For Safe Pleasure & Kink

Debunking Myths Around Sex & Sexuality: The Sangya Project Is A Space For Safe Pleasure & Kink
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Growing up in South-Asian and brown households often entails disguising yourself as non-sexual beings, as people far removed from their own sexual identities or experiences. This results in a culture where topics such as sex and sexuality have no room for discussion. As we try to find our space in the world as young adults trying to navigate our sexualities or even sex, this translates into not being well equipped with the knowledge around sex and its various intricacies and complexities. There are a million things we hear in passing in the process and myths that end up informing our understanding of the subject.

Facing the same challenges was the queer and poly family behind the Sangya Project. Founded by Tanisha R (a budding wildlife conservationist turned social impact researcher whose experience as a queer and nonbinary survivor of violence with training in Comprehensive Sex Education has resulted in the aim to document people’s lived experiences regularly, so that pop culture, academia, and policy may finally be more reflective of real-life expressions of sex and sexuality), Shweta Sangtani (a litigating lawyer, who has worked with HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness organization and wants to provide tools to people to understand sexual health better) and Aashish Mehrotra (a writer, producer, director & NSFW artist with 15 years of experience in multi-media who after having struggled with his sexuality as a bisexual man, dreams of an India where literature and tools for discovering one’s sexuality would be more accessible). Their endeavor started as an Instagram page that imparts education about sexuality and pleasure.

The Sangya Project online pleasure store and space for destigmatized, kink-affirmative and trauma-informed education
The Sangya Project online pleasure store and space for destigmatized, kink-affirmative and trauma-informed education

At its core, Sangya Project aims at creating a space for destigmatized, kink-affirmative and trauma-informed education which takes into account the varied perspectives, stories and experiences of people. In their own words, they are “...your one-stop shop for destigmatised education and discourse, wellness products, and so much more.”

Through their evolution they are now also an online pleasure store that sells products, aiming to better equip everyone with the tools to explore pleasure in a safe way. Among their available catalogue are vibrators, strap-ons, massagers, butt plugs and more to explore pleasure.

Find out more here.

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