Anurag Banerjee's New Photobook Captures The Artistry Of Meghalaya's Musicians

Anurag Banerjee's photobook 'The Songs of Our People'
Anurag Banerjee's photobook 'The Songs of Our People'Anurag Banerjee

Anurag Banerjee is a talented contemporary Indian photographer who was born and brought up in Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya and is currently based out of Mumbai. In an interview with the digital publication, ‘The Established’, Anurag reveals that he stumbled upon his career as a photographer unintentionally. Unsure of which path to take after finishing high school, he studied media studies. With financial support from his father, he purchased his first DSLR camera. It was through reading an edition of Better Photography magazine that he came across the remarkable photographs of the renowned photographer Prabuddha Dasgupta. This encounter became a pivotal moment in Anurag's life and it was on that day that he decided to become pursue photography for the rest of his life.

Banerjee has dedicated ten years to perfecting his unique style and perspective. Primarily focused on documenting the world around him, he uses his introspective lens to capture the essence of people, places, spaces, and everyday moments. His work possesses a delicate quality that portrays these moments with sensitivity and honesty.

A photograph from the book 'The Songs of Our People'
A photograph from the book 'The Songs of Our People'Anurag Banerjee
A photograph from the book 'The Songs of Our People'
A photograph from the book 'The Songs of Our People'Anurag Banerjee

"I hope when people view my work, they see someone who cares deeply, loves freely, and whose work makes them feel less alone. We are all afflicted by the human condition, and I hope that people find a companion in my work, something to lean on sleepless nights."

Anurag Banerjee, in an interview with The Established

A photograph from the book 'The Songs of Our People'
A photograph from the book 'The Songs of Our People'Anurag Banerjee

Over the past decade, Banerjee has undertaken various projects, including the creation of two photobooks featuring his own works. Now, he is preparing to release his latest photobook, titled The Songs of Our People. This book explores the themes of identity and belonging through the lives of musicians in Banerjee's home state of Meghalaya. Historically, artists and musicians from the northeastern region of India have faced cultural marginalization and underrepresentation. Nevertheless, they have managed to thrive in areas such as art and music, forming their own subcultures as well as integrating with the mainstream while maintaining their own distinctive qualities. Banerjee captures their stories and artistry with genuine sincerity in The Songs of Our People.

Pages from the photobook 'The Songs of Our People'
Pages from the photobook 'The Songs of Our People'Anurag Banerjee
Anurag Banerjee's photobook 'The Songs of Our People'
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The book will be released on the 22nd and 23rd of March at a launch event at the Evening Club, Shillong.

You can follow Anurag Banerjee here.
