Apply Now: Fellowships, Grants, Internships For Journalists And Arts & Culture Enthusiasts

Apply Now: Fellowships, Grants, Internships For Journalists And Arts & Culture Enthusiasts
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In these uncertain times, the arts and culture industry has definitely been one of the worst affected. There have been mass layoffs and jobs have become scarce. If you are an arts and culture enthusiast or a budding journalist, you must have felt that jobs in these fields are popping up few and far between in these last few months. Scouring the internet to find that one internship or job that is suitable for you has become tedious and sometimes, ineffective. We hear you and always have your back. To this end, we have curated a special list for those of you interested in arts, culture, and journalism.

Have a look!

I. Sahapedia Film Fellowships

Sahapedia invites early-career Indian filmmakers to make short non-fiction films which will document India’s diverse and vibrant cultural practices, communities and spaces. The fellowship will span over a total of 9 months, during which the fellows will be encouraged to exhaustively research their subjects.

Find out more about it here.

II. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

Reuters Institute, Oxford is looking for a freelance journalist to research and write engaging news stories covering key trends, projects, and developments in journalism worldwide, with a special focus on Africa, Asia and other regions of the Global South.

Find out more about it here.

III. Feminism In India

FII is looking for interns for a nine-week internship providing skill-based training on writing and communication, digital and social media, online publishing and advocacy, and campaigning. This could be a good opportunity at gaining work experience for people looking to build a career in the media and social sectors or for those who just want to engage with feminism, gender, sexuality, caste, and other relevant topics. Interns only need a regularly functioning internet connection and a computer/laptop and smartphone. They would be expected to commit 2-3 hours daily depending on the work tasks.

Find out more about it here.

IV. India Film Project

India Film Project invites filmmakers from all over the world to take part in their flagship challenge in making their own film. Assemble your crew and get ready to script, shoot, edit and upload a film in just 50 hours. Experience the thrill of creating a film in 50 hours, the tightest and most exuberant deadline you’ll ever experience.

(Hurry, it closes tonight!)

Find out more about it here.

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